Lock, Shock and Barrel

Lock, Shock, and Barrel are characters from the Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II. They are Oogie Boogie’s costumed sidekicks. They are a trio of children in Halloween garbs of a devil, witch, and skeleton, respectively.

The ringleader of the trio that includes Shock and Barrel. Their walking bathtub helps them get around while they commit all kinds of mischief. They sometimes help Oogie, but they’re not really fond of him.

He created havoc in “Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas” (1993).

Along with Lock and Barrel, she’s part of Oogie Boogie’s plot to take over Halloween Town. Shock is the most cunning member of the trio. She keeps her cool when the other two are losing it.

She created havoc in “Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas” (1993).

A member of the trio that includes Lock and Shock. He’s a little slow, and often ends up as the butt of his partners’ pranks and practical jokes.

He created havoc in “Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas” (1993).

The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

A member of the prankster trio that includes Shock and Barrel. Their walking bathtub helps them get around while they commit all kinds of mischief.

They sometimes help Oogie, but they’re not really loyal to him.

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The Nightmare Before Christmas – Kidnap the Sandy Claws (Lyrics)
Disney Crossy Road Lock, Shock, Barrel, Easter Bunny (Nightmare Before Christmas) Gameplay
The Nightmare Before Christmas – Kidnap the Sandy Claws HQ
Danny Elfman, Catherine O’Hara, & Paul Reubens – Kidnap the Sandy Claws -Live – 10/31/15